Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MAL 2012

I went to MAL this year and could hardly contain myself.  I always get excited when attending a leather event, esp something of this magnitude.  This was my first time attending MAL and it will not be my last.  Yes, I was a MAL virgin! 

I finally met the people I had chatted with on facebook face to face.  Trust me people the pictures do not do them justice, and they are very friendly.  It was as if we had known each other for years.

Here we have Mr Missouri Leather, Mr Iowa Leather, Mr Minneapolis Leather, Mr Midwest Leather (myself), and Mr Chicago Leather.  We decided to do a pic of the leathermen of Midwest, even though not all were in attendance.

I was very excited to meet the current IML winner Eric Guttierez.  He was very friendly and answered many questions about his current year activities. He spoke of the excitement of traveling, meeting new people, and the leather community as a whole.

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